PI Tami Lieberman has been selected as a recipient of the NIH Director’s New Innovator Awards which support unusually innovative research from early career investigators. See the press release from MIT here. We are actively recruiting postdocs for a number of related projects, particularly around development of phyogenetically-based genomic and metagenomic tools.
Author: Tami
New course number — 1.088
Tami will be teaching her Spring course, “Genomics and Evolution of Infectious Disease” again in 2020. It is now listed as an official course, with both undergraduate (1.088) and graduate listings (1.881 and HST.538). Improvements to the course include new lectures, moving starter code for psets to Python, and removal of a final exam. The course website can be accessed here: https://sites.google.com/view/1-088
1.S993 Genomics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases
Tami is teaching a new course this Spring, “1.S993 : Genomics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases”. It is designed for upper level MIT undergraduates. Graduate students are welcome to enroll. More information here.
Smith Family Awards Program for Excellence in Biomedical Research
Tami has been named a recipient of the Smith Family Awards Program for Excellence in Biomedical Research! We are grateful to the Smith Family Foundation for their support!
Blog coming soon
This blog will be used for several purposes, including:
- explaining methods (computational and experimental) we use in the lab, in depth
- distilling new results for a broad audience
- sharing thoughts on lab culture
- celebrating milestones
- other content inappropriate for twitter
Hold tight for updates. In the meantime, you can read an old blog post describing the first microbiome ‘experiment’ I did, these tips for succeeding in graduate school (written in 2015, sporadically updated), and my twitter account.