Laura Markey
Postdoctoral Associate
Ph.D. in Molecular Microbiology, Tufts

Christopher Mancuso
Postdoctoral Associate
Ph.D. in Biological Engineering, Boston University

Herui Liao
Postdoctoral Associate
MIT-Novo Nordisk Program
Ph.D. in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, City University of Hong Kong

A. Delphine Tripp
Graduate Student
Harvard Systems Biology PhD program

Evan Qu
Graduate Student
Microbiology PhD program

Paul Torrillo
Graduate Student
Computational and Systems Biology (CSB) PhD Program

Alyssa Haynes Mitchell
Graduate Student
Microbiology PhD Program

Ishaq Balogun
Undergraduate Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BS Program
Communities that we are fortunate to be a part of:
+ MIT Center for Microbiome Informatics and Therapeutics
+ MIT Parson’s Lab of Environmental Science and Engineering (Microbial Systems Seminar)
+ Boston Evolutionary Genomics Supergroup
+ Broad Infectious Disease & Microbiome Program
+ MIT Biophysics
+ MIT Ecology Meeting
+ MIT Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
+ Ragon Institute of MGH, Harvard, and MIT
Former mentees
+ Veda Khadka (Microbiology PhD Student) – Postdoc, Broad Institute
+ Jacob Baker (Microbiology PhD Student) – Head of Metagenomics, Taxa Technologies
+ Olivia Tang (Undergraduate Researcher) – MIT Computer Science and Neuroscience BS Program
+ Calen Mendall (Technical Associate) – M.S. in Epidemiology, University of Washington
+ Zoe Gotthold (Undergraduate Researcher) – Undergraduate Researcher, Lourido Lab, MIT
+ Arolyn Conwill (Postdoctoral Associate) – Research Scientist, Day Zero Diagnostics
+ Ravalika Damerla (Undergraduate Researcher) – Stanford Bioengineering PhD program
+ Jonathan D’Gama (HST MD/PhD Medical student)
+ Felix M. Key (DFG Postdoctoral Fellow) – Max Planck Institute Group leader
+ Seungsoo Kim (Undergrad, with Roy Kishony) – Postdoc in Wysocka lab, Stanford
+ Annie Kuan (Undergrad, with Eric Alm) – Research Operations Core Manager at Finch Therapeutics
+ Tucker Lynn (Lab manager) – Lab Associate, Silicon Therapeutics
+ Alex Poret (Undergraduate Researcher) – Harvard Biophysics PhD program
+ Sophia Swartz (Research Assistant) – UC Berkeley Dept of Molecular Biology PhD program
+ Lealia Xiong (Undergrad, with Roy Kishony) – PhD student in Medical Engineering at Caltech
+ Katherine Young (HST MD Medical student)
+ Shijie Zhao (Biology PhD student, with Eric Alm) – Postdoc in Xavier Lab, Broad Institute