Felix M. Key finished 2010 his undergrad in human biology at the University of Greifswald (Germany), with a major in immunology and microbiology. Felix earned a PhD (summa cum laude) in Population Genetics from the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (Germany) in 2016, where he worked on human local adaptation using modern and ancient genomes. Funding was awarded by Max Planck Research School of Human Origins.

Following, Felix performed a two-year PostDoc at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena (Germany) with Johannes Krause, where he developed bioinformatic tools to study ancient microbes and reconstructed the genomes of major human pathogens from the Neolithic in order to understand their phylogenetic and adaptive history.

Felix joined the Lieberman lab at MIT in 2018, working on intrahost evolution of different pathogens part of the human microbiome during health and disease. Felix was awarded a two-year fellowship by the German Research Foundation.

Starting in September 2020 Felix will join the Max-Planck-Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin as a group leader. The Key lab will dissect bacterial evolution using medical and archaeological samples.

Full list of publications on Google Scholar.

Link to CV (last update 05/2019).

Contact: fkey [at] mit.edu

Selected Publications