While ideal candidates have a background in both computational and experimental techniques, no particular background is required and we can help you get the cross-training you seek.  In addition to the categories below, we are always on the lookout for potential team members from a clinical background or staff scientists with relevant experience.

We are building a supportive, hard-working, and diverse (in terms of both personal backgrounds and scientific experience) team to address difficult questions with implications for both basic science and medical practice. For more on our views on diversity, see our diversity statement.


We are currently on the lookout for postdocs for both lab-planned and applicant-initiated projects. In addition to funding via grants, there is ample opportunity for MIT-specific fellowships (don’t count yourself out!) including the MIT-Novo Nordisk Fellowship (life science and data science intersection), MIT Postdoctoral Fellowship for Engineering Excellence (underrepresented groups), and the MIT’s Physics of Living Systems (broadly defined) programs.

Projects initiated by applicants might leverage our unique datasets, our computational knowhow, and/or our experimental platforms for high-throughput microbiology (among other ideas!). Applicants interested in theoretical aspects of eco-evolutionary theory or applied aspects of acne pathogenesis are particularly encouraged to apply. Please indicate your research interests (does not need to be a specific project), attach a CV, and attach a manuscript (preprint or draft is fine; or perhaps slide deck from a recent talk) when getting in touch.

Graduate students

We are open to hosting rotation students for students already enrolled at MIT, and we hope to add to our team this coming year (2024-25). Graduate students not currently enrolled in a PhD program should apply to one of the many relevant PhD programs at MIT, which include Computational and Systems Biology, Microbiology,  and Health Sciences and Technology.  We can also accept students from Harvard’s Biophysics PhD program. Prospective students interested in MIT’s Civil and Environmental Engineering (Ecology and Evolution track) PhD program should contact me after submitting their application materials; please note that this program does not offer rotations.

I do not interact with graduate students before the formal application process, out of a desire to impart more fairness to the system. In lieu of this, please accept these tips for applying to PhD programs: Recommendation letters and your personal statement are very important. For recommendation letters, pick the most credentialed individuals you know who can also speak in specifics about your accomplishments and potential. Start thinking about your personal statement early, and focus on what scientific concepts get you excited. The Microbiology PhD program has more funds for international students than the CSB PhD program, and is a great choice even for those primarily interested in computational microbiology.

Undergraduates (UROPs)

We have a variety of projects available for undergraduate research experiences at MIT, including experimental, computational, and combo experimental/computational projects. Favor will be given to applicants who are interested in spending multiple years in the lab, though we often have computational projects available for shorter time commitments. Please attach a CV and undergraduate transcript when getting in touch.